Reclaim Your Life After Trauma

Two-Hour Private Strategy Session

Do you have an obstacle you want to overcome, but don’t know where to begin?

If so, the 2-hour strategy session will allow you to devise a plan of action to start tackling the biggest hurdle you’re having difficulty navigating around.

We'll Discuss Your Greatest Obstacle

We’ll start the session by discussing the greatest obstacle that you see is in the way of you living the life that you want to live. Maybe it’s having more confidence, taming your inner critic, finding a way to work through difficult memories when they resurface, or replacing a negative coping strategy. We’ll also talk about why it’s important for you to overcome this obstacle.

We'll Discuss Your Options

We'll discuss your previous attempts to overcome this obstacle. We'll talk about what's worked and what hasn't worked in the past. We'll discuss other possibilities, and you'll choose which options you'd like to try next. 

We'll Create a Plan

Together, we will create a plan for how you can move forward. The session is about creating a plan that's different from what you've been doing so you can create new patterns and interrupt old patterns when they begin to resurface.

You'll leave feeling optimistic about your future and with a plan to begin implementing right away.

A Helping Hand

I have an extensive trauma history that includes being sexually violated by eight men between the ages of nine and nineteen, three of whom were family members, being physically assaulted from behind at knifepoint, and finding my partner dead. However, I also have an extensive history of successes since my traumas which includes earning my PhD, becoming a college professor, traveling the world, climbing tall mountains, and changing the lives of others who have also experienced trauma.  

I tried to navigate most of my traumas and subsequent successes on my own, but I couldn’t do it all alone. Humans are deeply social creatures, so even though being hurt by others may cause us to retreat inward and push others away, we will never be completely successful in making it through life without the assistance of others. It is empowering to go it alone and exciting when we succeed, but sometimes we will need help with things like getting over specific hurdles or getting back on track when knocked off course. 

I would be honored to assist you in tackling the biggest obstacle in front of you so you can continue with your progress. 

More About Me

Stephanie M. Hutchins, PhD, author of Transformation After Trauma, Reclaim Your Life After Trauma, and Moving Forward, helps individuals overcome trauma and cope with stress. She is a certified life coach, stress management coach, advanced wellness coach, neuro-linguistic programming practitioner, and yoga instructor. She also owns Serotinous Life, a company that helps individuals harness the power of post-traumatic growth.

Dr. Hutchins has taught about the human body as a college professor for 12 years. She is fascinated by the capabilities of the mind and body and guides others in harnessing the power of their minds and bodies to overcome tremendous hardships brought on by the inevitable stresses of life. Dr. Hutchins combines yoga principles, her knowledge of the human body, and her healing journey to empower others with tools to fuel massive personal and professional growth.

Trauma steals so much, but you can take back control!

"Words are not enough to express the huge impact that Dr. Hutchins has had on my life. Her kindness, energy, and authenticity made me feel comfortable and confident sharing my life. The safe environment that I felt in our interactions made me share in a very open and authentic way because she always showed me a genuine interest and cared about my life. Without her intervention in my struggle, I am pretty sure that I would not have been able to overcome one of my deepest fears. With her encouragement, I could accomplish many things that I thought were impossible for me. She was always a step ahead, knowing what I was missing and providing the tools I needed to succeed. I could not be more grateful to have met Dr. Hutchins and all those beautiful interactions I have had with her; they will stay with me forever."

Haryam Hercules

Give the gift of a new beginning to yourself or someone else

The price includes a $100 discount! My normal hourly rate is $200.

Gift to Yourself


One, two-hour private coaching session to co-create a plan for you to overcome your greatest obstacle. 


Gift to Someone Else


One, two-hour private coaching session for someone you care about to co-create a plan to overcome their greatest obstacle. 


Frequently Asked Questions

I am not a therapist. Therapists treat diagnosed conditions. They focus on your past to explain why you have your present thoughts, behaviors, and habits. You could be in therapy for years or a lifetime. If your trauma is recent, or you're still having difficulty functioning in your daily life, therapy would be best for you. Therapy can be helpful in getting individuals back to a baseline level of good health.

I am a life coach. Life coaches do not diagnose and do not treat specific conditions. Life coaches spend little time going back into your past. Instead, they focus on getting you from where you are now to where you want to be. Life coaches set their clients up with the skills they need to eventually reach all their goals on their own. That's why coaching is not meant to be a permanent relationship.

If you're at a baseline level of good health and you need help getting unstuck so you can reach the bigger goals you have in life, then you would be a good candidate for life coaching. 

Although this program focuses on helping people who have experienced trauma, this program is meant for those individuals who are functioning in their daily life but can see how the effects of their trauma still linger in their present life. My programs are about empowering my clients with the skills they need to move forward from their unchangeable past. 

If you're unsure whether you should be working with a therapist, life coach, or both, please email me or schedule a free discovery call to discuss what would be best for you. 

The strategy session will be held on Zoom. I will ask that you have your camera on. I find it is easier to feel connected when we can see one another. The improved relationship strengthens the impact of the session.

The two hours will be completed in one session. It is a highly focused session and the time will pass quickly. Please schedule the session during a time where you will be free from distraction for two hours straight. Bring a pen, notepad, and something to drink. The two-hour session cannot be split up into two or more sessions.

You will be brought to a page to register for the strategy session after you complete the checkout process.

Yes. The strategy session can be useful for couples, parents and their children, or friends who are trying to figure out a plan for moving forward after experiencing trauma or after the trust has been broken in the relationship.

Also, if the goal you’re trying to achieve, or obstacle you’re looking to overcome directly involves another person, I encourage you to bring that person with you to the strategy session. Please email me at [email protected] if you’re unsure whether another person should attend the session with you based on what you’d like to work on.

If you are using the strategy session for yourself, ideally, you will use it right away while your desire to change is strong and you’ll be most ready to act on the plan we co-create. However, you have twelve months from the date of payment to utilize the strategy session. 

If you are purchasing the strategy session for someone else, they have twelve months from the date of your payment to utilize the strategy session. 

If you or the person you are purchasing the strategy session for decides not to use it, it is not refundable, but it is transferable to another person. If transferred, the session must still be used within 12 months of payment for the session.

After you complete your purchase, you will be sent an email that will ask for the recipient’s name and how you would like your name to be represented on the certificate. I will then email you a certificate for you to provide to them which will include details about the session and instructions on how they can schedule the session with me. 

I can also email the recipient directly with the details if you prefer. I am open to presenting the information in the way you think it would be best received by your loved one.

It is your responsibility to notify me at least 24 hours in advance of the scheduled meeting if you cannot make the session. If the session is cancelled less than 24 hours before the scheduled start of your call, no refund or rescheduling of the appointment will be available to you.

My typical fee is $200/hour. If you cancel at the last minute, I will lose the ability to make up to $400 during the 2-hour time frame we were scheduled for.

You can schedule additional, 60-minute coaching calls after the strategy session. You can also view other options for working with me on my coaching programs page:

Still have questions?

Email me at [email protected].


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